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I’m Duncan Meisel, an organizer, strategist, and writer who lives in Austin, Texas. I’m the Executive Director of Clean Creatives, and I’ve been involved in lots of other projects related to stopping climate change and protecting human rights.

This is an always free newsletter where I’ll share one piece of creative writing per month about the issues that I discuss most with friends and colleagues: climate change, culture, politics, and the little things in life that make it good.

It’s named Bluebonnets after the state flower of Texas, which is threatened by shorter, warmer winters and the people who allow the climate crisis to harm us all.

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Monthly editions on the first Tuesday of the month.

When you subscribe every new edition of the newsletter will go directly to your inbox, probably on the first Tuesday of the month.

Subscribe to Bluebonnets

One work of creative writing per month from Duncan about climate change, culture, politics, and the things that make life worth it.


Strategist, writer, reader.